All articles in the Adelphicare section of this site are listed below. If you are looking for specific topics or words on this page, use your device's search facility:
PC - CTRL+F; Android: Click on the 3 dots or dashes at the top right of the page, look for "Find in page" and enter your search word. (This kind of search will only find words in the article title on this site index.)
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(Please note that articles in the "How do I help someone...?" ebook, and the PVP folder, are not in the Site Index below but can be searched using the search widget above, or by accessing "How do I help someone...?" or "Pastoral Visitor Program".)
we can help and care for others"
Kylee Mingham
can I make time to care for others"
- Kylee Mingham
or thrive? -
Cathy Strachan
Trauma and trauma informed care
Cathy Strachan
Laurence Lepherd and Kylee Mingham
Forgiveness -
There are five summaries of
talks given by Steve Hyndman and two additional articles
that give some practical perspectives on
this page.
Why?" - Why do people
suffer? - Laurence
Audio stream
Audio download
(The audio version of this article has been made using
the MS Word 'Read aloud' facility.)
COVID - what lessons can we learn?
- Kylee Mingham
Audio stream
Audio download
(The audio version of this article has been made using
the MS Word 'Read aloud' facility with "Zirma".)
Care in
our ecclesias -
Association of Australian Christadelphian Ecclesias. This is
a resources updated version of the discussion paper
distributed to ecclesias in 2010.
Vulnerability - Openness.
Fiona Bosly
Vulnerability - Closed. Trust in God
- Laurence Lepherd and Cathy Strachan
- God's help - Kylee
God's message has not
changed - Andrew
Care in God's Ecclesia
- Laurence
must I do to inherit eternal life? Part 1,
and Part 2
– Helen Smallwood
How to care for others through ecclesial difficulties?
Practical Christianity
– Norma Tuttici
A life o'erruled by God
Peter Collins
spiritual care conversation
Alison Caudery
Dealing with difficult
- Cathy Strachan
Spirituality and
- Cathy Strachan
Foundations for
Families - Laurence Lepherd. The complete
book covering elements of raising families in an increasingly
difficult society.
Prayer - persistent
and personal
- Peter Collins
contact with an unwell and unknown person
do I help someone maintain faith during illness?
Laurence Lepherd, and the editorial team
Partnering with Jesus and the Father by the Spirit
- Part 1
Geoff Watson
Awakening to the Spirit
- Physical and Mental -
Part 2
Geoff Watson
Listen to the Spirit
Part 3 Geoff Watson
Growing old faithfully
- John Quill
Art, Creativity, Man and God
Fred Johansen
Poetry, the
Bible and Us - Neil
Physical and Mental Health Disabilities – NDIS
and Caring for Yourself
or Your Loved Ones who have Mental Health Issues
Climate change: How should we respond as disciples? - Daniel Quill
Depression and anxiety - an overview for Christadelphians
Standing before the valley - Peter Collins
eCare - Laurence Lepherd and Cathy Strachan
Let's talk about mental health - (Name withheld)
A real struggle with sin - Mark Strachan
Respect and empathy - Helen Smallwood
Forgiveness - Judy Palmer
Identifying and understanding your anger - Fiona Bosly
The distortions of anger
Anger and fairness - do you fight fair?
Golden apples in silver baskets - a word fitly spoken (Proverbs 25:11)
A good listener
Make music in your hearts - Steven Hyndman
Music for various circumstances - Carl Bundesen
Comfort through music - Ruth Stibbs, Louise Buttsworth and Barbara
Harp therapy in aged care - Jenni Sawell
Carer's Corner - in many Newsletters
Serving the Creator in your youth - Daniel Quill
Let's talk about mental health - (Name withheld)
Depression and anxiety - an overview for Christadelphians
Communication strategies - Fiona Bosly
A real struggle with sin - Mark Strachan
Helping - Helen Smallwood
God's unfailing love - Cathy Strachan
Grief and special occasions - Cathy Strachan
Still valid - Colleen Roberts
Useful resources around loss and grief
Would you like to take the opportunity to be
generous and supportive?
Faith on fire - Brenton Loans
The peace of God that surpasses all understanding - Laurence Lepherd
Coping with loss - Rosemary Pearce
Identifying and understanding your anger - Fiona Bosly
Be careful what you say and do! - Anthony Oosthuizen
About ageing - Laurence Lepherd
Real love - Fiona Bosly
Realities of moving into an aged care home - Carmel Hayden
Foundations for families: Introduction - Laurence Lepherd
Scriptural principles - Man and woman;
Families - love;
Children - aims and salvation
Parenting skills -
patterns and relationships;
The habit of happiness - Lesley Quill
Husbands and wives - John Quill
Reflection and meditation - Paths to 'fix' broken things - Robyn Anderson
Family and domestic violence protocols
- Fiona Bosly
Domestic violence safety plan - Fiona Bosly
Ageing and spirituality - Cathy Strachan
Useful phone numbers - Cathy Strachan
Personal Stories
A day at a
time - Steph and Nic Collins
is a transcript of a podcast published in a Wilderness
Conversation Stephen Dodson had with Steph and Nic Collins.
It is a very moving, confronting but beautiful story of the
way Steph and Nic coped with Steph's devastating illness. We
are now sorry to advise that Steph passed away on Wednesday
29 May, 2024. We leave the transcript on the site because
Steph, and Nic, wanted to go public with their experiences.
They hope that others will be helped and understand more of
the illness she had and the way it can affect people's
lives. We are indebted to Steph and Nic for this love for
their fellows, and pray that Nic's and Steph's family and
friends, will be comforted by our loving Heavenly Father. We
look forward to seeing Steph again at the return to the
earth again of our Lord Jesus and the Resurrection.
My journey with
God - Char
Seeing God in everything
- Cathy Strachan (personal story)
My Perinatal Depression Journey -
Kylee Mingham
Water in His hands - Carl Bundesen
Dealing with doubt - (a young person's perspective) - Will O'Toole
The challenge of finding contentment - (a young person's perspective) -
A physical and spiritual trek - Louise Buttsworth
Raising children in the fear and admonition of the Lord - (Name withheld)
Four ways to draw closer to God and be in relationship to Jesus - Hannah
God's love is perfected in us - Anne Twine
What it is to be middle-aged - Jane and Stephen Hughes
For newly married couples - Lachlan and Laura McDonald
Middle -age - a mother's perspective - (Name wihehld)
Journey with cancer (Lymphoma) via Faith - Barbara and Martin
Maryanne's story - prayer for patience - Maryanne Carroll
God's compassion - accidents happen
Faith in adversity - loving friendships can be forged
Wonderful support - prostate cance
"All in God's good time"
- Laurence Lepherd
Living in isolation for 55 years - Challenges!
- Audrey
Crossing boundaries - Judith Cumpson
The Hand of God - Pat Oosthuizen (Lukemia) the value and power of prayer
Other Pages
Audio - Hymns and Songs featuring the Adelphian
Singers and the organs of the Brisbane City Hall and the Royal Albert Hall,
Video - Links to the
Pakuranga Ecclesia's
'Family Matters' website
Hope and Hymns - So many of our hymns
refer either directly or by implication to our marvellous hope. The 25 hymns
on this page draw attention to many aspects of our hope. They have been
performed by Laurence Lepherd and recorded live on the organ in the Brisbane
City Hall.
#1 March 2021;
#2 May 2021;
#3 October 2021;
November 2021; #5
December 2021; #6 February 2022
March 2022; #8
April 2022;
#9 May 2022;
#10 June 2022;
#11 July 2022;
#12 September 2022;
#13 October 2022
December 2022;
#15 February 2023;
#16 March 2023;
#17 April 2023;
#18 May 2023;
#19 June 2023;
#20 August 2023;
#21 September 2023; #22
October 2023; #23 December 2023;
#24 January 2024;
#25 March 2024;
#26 May 2024;
#27 July 2024;
#28 September 2024
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