HDIHS Practical Caring

"Then he (the Samaritan) put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him." (Luke 10:34)

adelphicare.org editorial team


We are often in the position where we want to help someone but are not sure how we can. This can occur in many circumstances. We really want to say the right thing, and this can sometimes be daunting. But, we also want to do as much as we can to help. Often, the saying and the doing overlap.

This collection of essays is designed to help people with some ideas on what might be done and said under various circumstances. The content has been sourced from a large number of places. Each contribution is prefaced with a photo and a Scriptural verse. Not always has an attempt been made to try to match the topic with the photo and verse. Rather, are these simple reminders of God's beautiful creation and that whatever we do to help is in a God-helped context.

Largely, the collection is made up of contributions, small and large, from many people. Contributors have been listed below but their contributions have not been identified. We do appreciate the many contributions that have been made.

What are the contents?

The contents are based on the following sections:

Four of life's differing stages - Young Families, Young Adults, Middle Age and Getting Older, and
Reflections on
Life's Issues – Illness, Other Life Events and a section - You and God.

And, just in case there are contributions that will not fit neatly into those categories, there is a section on General Issues.

Would you like to contribute? This is a work in progress! HDIHS Contents

As this project is in the draft stage, this description also suggests how you can contribute. We will welcome your contributions! These can be as large (no more than 2000 words) or as small as you wish. (Small contributions on the same topic will be combined.) If you have found anything that has been helpful in your life that you would like to share, please share it with us!

You can either send it directly by email to editor@adelphicare.org or use the Contact Us link form. This can be done at any time, but, why not do it now? The website will be updated with additional contributions quite frequently. The new contributions will be be added progressively and indicated with a New sign. Please acknowledge your contribution and provide an email so we can contact you if we need to check anything with you. As mentioned, you will be acknowledged as a contributor but not identified with a particular contribution.

The pages will be easily accessed from within the website. Each page is linked from the contents to a web page. Where applicable contributions should mention relevant Scriptures as the contents are firmly grounded in Scripture.

Finally, all questions are prefaced by the words “How do I help someone…?” where the remainder of the question is the specific topic under the section heading. For example, “How do I help someone with parenting?”


All authors of contributions in this section are acknowledged. Where there is no acknowledgement, the article was written by the editor, Laurence Lepherd.  

Contents of HDIHS
