In the Newsletter


Many refugees coming from countries where they have been repressed and persecuted because of their religious beliefs need very sensitive nurturing in our country. Fifty six (56) Christadelphian family members have been brought to Australia by the Christadelphian Refugee Assistance Council. They are now being supported in 13 ecclesias (churches). It is anticipated that some 50 more will be coming to Australia in 2025 God willing. It is our prayer that these refugees will experience the laughter and joy that they missed in their original country. Cathy Strachan specialises in her profession in providing assistance to people experiencing life difficulty and trauma. She has written two articles on these issues that are featured in the Adelphicare Newsletter #29.

In another very topical article, Kylee Mingham draws attention to the loneliness some people may experience during the summer holiday season and suggests ways we may be able to alleviate some of this loneliness for them.


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   Newsletter - #29 November, 2024


 There was an errant space in the URL of the first article mentioned in an earlier issue of the Newsletter.

It has been corrected now, and the correct address is:


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Access all three articles by clicking on the titles below./p>

Survive or thrive? 

Trauma and trauma informed care

How to support someone who's struggling over the holidays

Go to Site-Index to see all articles on this site.




This is an important and exciting project.

More information here!




Our prayers are with our brothers and sisters and people in Israel,

Ukraine and other parts of the world where they are in immense difficulty or being persecuted.

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08 8270 4115


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