This page provides links to a video that we trust will be helpful for you. Just below you can access the Pakuranga Ecclesia's 'Family Matters' website. (Click on the link in the photo below and scroll down the page a little.)

Family matters
Depression and spirituality
  with Cathy Strachan
Family Matters

This is one of a number of video discussions available on the Pakuranga Christadelphians' (New Zealand) website Family Matters. (Click to access the site.) The video is hosted by Robert and Sharon Prins. (Click on the image above.)

We spoke to Cathy Strachan about Depression and Spirituality. Cathy has had a wealth of experience in nursing, palliative care and pastoral care, so brings a professional aspect to this topic of depression. As a Bible student, Cathy is also able to help us understand the links between depression and spirituality. In this session she helps us understand how to recognise depression in ourselves or in someone else, how it affects our spiritual lives, and she gives us tools on how to deal with depression and keep our spirituality safe through the dark times. 


Here is another video you may find helpful. It is produced by . Click on the image below.