
Be kind

"Forgiveness is one of the most fundamental concepts in the Bible, central to understanding God's character. It's an ongoing journey of faith and maturity, reflecting our relationship with God. At its core, forgiveness is deeply tied to the essence of God's love, as God forgives willingly and completely, forgetting the sins once confessed." (SH)

This page contains links to a series of talks on Forgiveness by Bro Steve Hyndman given at a Christadelphian Study Weekend in 2022 in Auckland, NZ. Summaries of the talks are also provided in both transcript and audio formats. In addition there are two articles providing practical perspectives on the topic. We do hope you find these articles helpful.

Study 1 Forgiveness - The Process - Summary Transcript      Audio     

                     Video link (Full talk): 

Study 2 Forgiveness - The Need - Summary  Transcript         Audio     

                    Video link (Full talk):

Study 3 Forgiveness - The Gift - Summary Transcript            Audio     

                   Video link (Full talk):

Study 4 Forgiveness - The Response - Summary  Transcript   Audio    

                   Video link (Full talk):

Study 5 Forgiveness - The Result  -  Summary  Transcript      Audio    

                   Video link (Full talk):

Practical Perspectives - Kylee Mingham    Article   Audio (This audio recording was made through using the app 'Speechify'.)

Practical Perspectives - Laurence Lepherd    Article   Audio (This audio recording was made through using the app 'Speechify'.)

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