On-line Index

Please click on the titles below to access the Worksheet for each Module. Please don't complete the Worksheets until you have enrolled in the Program.

About completing the worksheets.
Feel free to complete these sheets if you are unable to attend the video workshops. (Please enrol in PVP first though.) The editor will contact you at some stage about disussing your responses. Remember, a feature of PVP is that it will involve personal discussion during the time of your enrolment.
Two things:
1) The sheets (forms) have been prepared from Google forms. This will enable you to partially complete a sheet and come back to it later to finish it. The catch: You must have a Google account that has an email associated with it. If you do not have one, the easiest thing to do is to start a gmail email address.
2) If you do not have a Gmail account and don't wish to start one (understandable), please copy and paste the questions to a normal text document and provide your answers under each question. You can save it as you go. When you have finished it, please email the attachment to editor@adelphicare.org . We can open most text documents but would prefer docx, doc, rtf, txt or odf.


Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

Module 5

Module 6
