PVPModule 2
✓ Please consider the Handbook pages 25-30 in this workshop.
✓ Question 1 - Look at the video Communication (Laurence Lepherd) and note three points of particular interest.
Question 2 - Listening – LACE. This will be a challenge: Respond according to this statement using the LACE model. "It was last Friday when I fell over the bollard in the car parking area in Granville. Many people rushed over to help me but I couldn't move - my leg was very painful and I felt so useless."
Question 3 - Prepare an example of each of the following kinds of questions: i) open, ii) closed, iii) shopping list, iv) focused.
✓ Question 4 - Here are some statements and you are asked to respond to each as a feeling statement. a) "I hate it here. No-one cares. The staff are always too busy and I don't have any friends." b) "I love it here. I have found new friends and my old friends still come to visit me." c) "My grandchildren come to visit me frequently and I enjoy their company. They are so interesting." d) The meals are not as good as I used to cook myself but they are OK."
Question 5 - Make up your own feeling statement about any topic.
Question 6 - Here are two statements that you are asked to paraphrase.  a) "My daughter usually visits me on a Thursday morning but she hasn't come today yet. I don't know why because she is always very regular and punctual. I hope she hasn't had a car accident!" b) "My family is so busy they never have time to visit me. My son has three children and they are so involved in school activities he is constantly taking one of them from one school event to another. Sometimes I feel I don't count anymore."

Thank you.