PVPModule 5
✓ We will consider the Handbook pages 55-66 in this workshop.
Question 1 - Please prepare four specific points that struck you as you were going through the reading.
✓ Question 2 - What are three points that struck you as important as you watched the video: Anxiety and Depression (Kylee Mingham)
✓ Question 3 - What are three points that struck you as important as you watched the video: Being with the dying (Cathy Strachan).
✓ Question 4 - One day, a person you have been visiting for some months tells you that he has just been informed he has only two or three months to live. How would you deal with this news both within yourself, and as a carer for the dying person?
✓ Question 5 - How can you distinguish between when a person is despondent or depressed? What would you do if there is any doubt?

Thank you.