
PVP- Resource index page
You may find the following resources useful when working through PVP.
(Please note that video files have been 'zipped' so they will download easily. When 'unzipped' they are in MP4 format.) If you are having trouble downloading the resources through your browser, please go to this page to obtain a direct web link to each resource. (

Arrow  Coping with Loss - Rosemary Pearce - the Christadelphian Support Service NSW

Arrow  Aged Care Quality Standards - Australian Government

Arrow  National Guidelines for Spiritual Care in Aged Care - Meaningful Ageing Australia and other partners

Arrow  Please note that for copyright reasons, we cannot provide direct access to the following article but it is free to download by clicking on the title: Exploring spirituality with older people - Lepherd, L., Rogers, C., Egan, R., Towler, H., Graham, C., Nagle, A., & Hampton, I. (2019). Exploring spirituality with older people: (1) rich experiences. Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, 1-35.

Arrow Effective Communication -
Laurence Lepherd Video (Download zip file) Transcript

Arrow What is spirituality?
- Laurence Lepherd Video (Download zip file)  Transcript

Arrow Knowing yourself
- Louise Buttsworth Video
 (Download zip file)   Transcript

Arrow  Depression and Anxiety - Kylee Mingham Video Download small zip file (20MB)   Download larger zip file (92MB) (The same video - larger file is better quality) Transcript

  Palliative care - Cathy Strachan (Download zip file)   Transcript

Arrow  Dementia
- Cathy Strachan   (Download zip file)   Transcript

Arrow Depression and spirituality - Cathy Strachan Video This is part of the Pakuranga Christadelphians Family Matters series. It is used here with permission. If you would like to go directly to the YouTube video click here.
Arrow  Order and Chaos - Carmel Hayden Video on entering aged care. (Download zip file) Transcript

Arrow  How can I talk with an older person? - Laurence Lepherd (Download zip file)   Transcript