
Through Jesus' action, "...the storm subsided, and all was calm". Luke 8:24

HDIHS Pratical Caring

Please realise that this is a work in progress. The topics in black below are waiting for someone to write about them! We would deeply appreciate your contribution. Please be aware that we understand that some topics could be controversial. We stress that our approach is to focus on how we can help someone. It is not our role as helpers to be judgemental.  Please communicate with us by using the Contact Us page.


"...maintain faith during illness?"     PDF

Young families

"... (my wife) while she's giving birth?"     PDF

"... (my child) who is having troubles at school?"

“… with parenting?” (CS)

"… cope with miscarriage, or still birth, or early death after birth?”

“... who cannot have children?”

“… choose activity priorities?”

"... cope with children who have disabilities?"

Young adults

"... prepare for marriage"    PDF

“… with online addiction?” 

… choose activity priorities?”

“… who is stressed?”

“... who has a body image problem?”

“... cope with general issues of life?”

“… cope with discrimination?” (CS)

“… cope with family conflict?”

“… cope with low self-image?”

"...with an eating disorder?"

"...who is self-harming?"

Middle age

“… who is separated from their husband or wife?” 

“… review their direction?”

"…  cope with elderly parents? (CS)

"...  a family member who has been made redundant?"

“…  who is struggling financially?”

“... who is having marriage difficulties?” (J&LQ)

“... adjust to step families?”

Getting older

“… prepare for and commence retirement?”    PDF

“... help someone who is living with dementia?"     PDF

“… in palliative care mode?” (CS)

“… transition from independent to dependent living?” (CS)


“… cope with any illness?”     PDF

“… who has cancer?”    PDF

“… who has a major disability?”

“… who has had a stroke?”

“… cope with terminal illness?”

   Other life events

"... cope with loss and bereavement?"    PDF

"… communicate with a deaf person?"

“… who is lonely?”

“… who is anxious?”

"… who is depressed?”

“… who is experiencing loss and is bereaved?” (CS)

“… with spiritual burnout?”

“… cope with loss through suicide?”

You and God

“… get closer to God?”

“… cope with 'unanswered' prayer?”    PDF

“… develop forgiveness?”

General issues

"... overcome spiritual distress?"    PDF

“… who has lost faith?”

“… recover life’s purpose?”(CS)

"... choosing where to live?"

"... choosing a school?"

"... who is struggling with thoughts of suicide?"


